The properties of propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) along one-dimensional metal structures have been investigated for more than 10 years and are now well understood. Because of the high confinement of electromagnetic energy, propagating SPPs have been considered to represent one of the best potential ways to construct next-generation circuits that use light to overcome the speed limit of electronics. Many basic plasmonic components have already been developed. In this review, researches on plasmonic waveguides are reviewed from the perspective of plasmonic circuits. Several circuit components are constructed to demonstrate the basic function of an optical digital circuit. In the end of this review, a prototype for an SPP-based nanochip is proposed, and the problems associated with building such plasmonic circuits are discussed. A plasmonic chip that can be practically applied is expected to become available in the near future. Keywords: nanophotonics; plasmonic chip; plasmonic circuit; surface plasmons; waveguide
INTRODUCTIONThe technologies of semiconductor integrated circuits and modern electronic integrated devices are rapidly approaching their fundamental limits in terms of both speed and data transmission rate (DTR).1 One of the promising solutions to these problems is using light rather than electrons in the functional processing components.2 However, the feasibility of fabricating nanoscale photonic devices may be limited because the diffraction limit of light is dominant when the size of a photonic device is close to or smaller than the wavelength of light in the material. Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), electromagnetic waves coupled to charge oscillation at the metal dielectric interface, can circumvent the diffraction limit and achieve localisation of electromagnetic energy in nanoscale regions that are considerably smaller than the wavelengths of light in the material. 3 The electromagnetic field perpendicular to the interface between metal and dielectric decays exponentially with distance from the metal surface while maintaining the long-range propagation of electromagnetic energy along the surface. This essential feature of SPPs can enable the fabrication of photonic components and optical signal processing devices at the sub-wavelength scale.Surface plasmons (SPs) include the localised type (localised surface plasmons, LSPs) and propagating type (propagating surface plasmon polaritons, PSPPs). For the purpose of optical signal transportation and nanophotonic circuits, only PSPPs will be considered in this review, and they are referred to as SPPs hereafter. Because of the unique properties of tightly confined SPPs on metal structures, various types of metallic nanostructures, such as nanoparticle chains, 4-7 thin metal films, 8 metal slits, 9 grooves, 10 chemically synthesised metal nanowires (NWs)