The goal of an UHDTV is to broadcast digital video contents which is 16 times the pixel resolution of HDTV. As the resolution is increased, the UHDTV requires a transmission technology to support very high data transfer rate. In this paper, we propose two out-of-band protocols to transmit UHDTV contents in a CATV network: an OOB-based protocol and a DSG-based protocol. The former may be a short term solution which is well suitable for a traditional CATV network and the letter may be a long term solution which is adoptable for a CATV network equipped with DOCSIS functionalities. In order to transfer 200 Mbps UHDTV contents, proposed protocols use a channel bonding mechanism which combines several QAM channels. We propose CATV network architectures to support an UHDTV service with a channel bonding mechanism, and design the format of messages to share the information of bonded channels between a headend and a STB. We develop an OPNET simulator and ascertain successful transmission of UHDTV contents