Let n 3, let M be an orientable complete finite-volume hyperbolic n-manifold with compact (possibly empty) geodesic boundary, and let Vol.M / and kM k be the Riemannian volume and the simplicial volume of M . A celebrated result by Gromov and Thurston states that if @M D ∅ then Vol.M /=kM k D v n , where v n is the volume of the regular ideal geodesic n-simplex in hyperbolic n-space. On the contrary, Jungreis and Kuessner proved that if @M ¤ ∅ then Vol.M /=kM k < v n .We prove here that for every Á > 0 there exists k > 0 (only depending on Á and n)As a consequence we show that for every Á > 0 there exists a compact orientable hyperbolic n-manifold M with nonempty geodesic boundary such that Vol.M /=kM k v n Á.Our argument also works in the case of empty boundary, thus providing a somewhat new proof of the proportionality principle for noncompact finite-volume hyperbolic n-manifolds without geodesic boundary.
53C23; 57N16, 57N65
Preliminaries and statementsLet X be a topological space, let Y Â X be a (possibly empty) subspace of X , and let R be a ring (in the present paper only the cases R D R and R D Z will be considered). For i 2 N we denote by C i .X I R/ the module of singular i -chains over R, ie the R-module freely generated by the set S i .X / of singular i -simplices with values in X . The natural inclusion of Y in X induces an inclusion of C i .Y I R/ into C i .X I R/, so it makes sense to define C i .X; Y I R/ as the quotient spaceThe homology of the resulting complex is the usual relative singular homology of the topological pair .X; Y / and will be denoted by H .X; Y I R/.