Abstract-Skyline query retrieves a set of data objects, each of which is not dominated by another object. On the other hand, given a query object q, "reverse" skyline query retrieves a set of points that are "dynamic" skyline of q. If q is a given preference of a user, "dynamic" skyline query retrieves a set of points that are not dominated by another point with respect to q. Intuitively,"reverse" skyline query of q retrieves a set of points that are as preferable as q. Area skyline query is a method for selecting good areas, each of which is near to desirable facilities such as stations, warehouses, promising customers' house, etc. and is far from undesirable facilities such as competitors' shops, noise sources, etc. In this paper, we applied reverse skyline concept to area skyline query and proposed Reverse Area Skyline algorithm. Analogically, given an area g, reverse area skyline query selects areas, each of which are as preferable as g. Assume that a real estate company wants to sell an area. Reverse area skyline query must be useful for such company to consider effective real estate developments so that the area attracts many buyers. Reverse area skyline query can also be used for selecting promising buyers of the area.