For a UMT-domain D, we characterize when the polynomial ring D[X] is t-compactly packed and every prime t-ideal of D[X] is radically perfect. As a corollary, for a quasi-Prüfer domain D, we also characterize when every prime ideal of D[X] is radically perfect. Finally we introduce the concepts of Serre's conditions in strong Mori domains and characterize Krull domains and almost factorial domains, respectively.
Introduction. LetD be an integral domain. In [15], Erdogdu introduced the notion of radical perfectness of ideals as follows: An ideal I of D is radically perfect if the height of I is equal to the infimum of the number of generators of ideals of D whose radical is equal to the radical of I. This generalizes the notion of a set-theoretic complete intersection to non-Noetherian rings [16, page 1802]. He then addressed the question of under which conditions all prime ideals of the polynomial ring D[X] over D containing a field of characteristic 0 are radically perfect. In this direction, it was shown [14, Theorem 2.1] that over a Noetherian domain D of Krull dimension 1 containing a field of characteristic 0, every prime ideal of D[X] is radically perfect if and only if D is a Dedekind domain with torsion ideal class group. In [14, Question 3.3], he also posed the open question: