We report the first observation of indirect resonantly enhanced transverse laser cooling of a bunched, stored ion beam of 40 keV 24 Mg þ . The longitudinal velocity distribution and the horizontal beam size of the laser-cooled 24 Mg þ ion beam with 280 nm laser light were simultaneously observed by the use of standard fluorescence-based techniques. Keeping the operation point at (2.068, 1.105), the synchrotron tune ( s ) was changed from 0.0376 to 0.1299. A strong decrease in the cooled horizontal beam size and a corresponding increase in the equilibrium cooled momentum spread were observed at the expected synchrobetatron resonance coupling condition of s ¼ 0:068, which is the first observation of a resonantly induced coupling for enhanced indirect transverse laser cooling of an ion beam, and is an important step towards creating a crystalline ground state of the beam.