This article is devoted to the discretization of source terms and boundary conditions using discontinuous Galerkin schemes with an arbitrary high order of accuracy in space and time for the solution of hyperbolic conservation laws on unstructured triangular meshes. The building block of the method is a particular numerical flux function at the element interfaces based on the solution of Generalized Riemann Problems (GRPs) with piecewise polynomial initial data. The solution of the generalized Riemann problem, originally introduced by Toro and Titarev in a finite volume context, provides simultaneously a numerical flux function as well as a time integration method. The resulting scheme is extremely local since it integrates the PDE from one time step to the successive one in a single step using only information from the direct side neighbors. Since source terms are directly incorporated into the numerical flux via the solution of the GRP, our very high order accurate method is also able to maintain very well smooth steady-state solutions of PDEs with source terms, similar to the so-called well-balanced schemes which are usually specially designed for this purpose. Boundary conditions are imposed solving inverse generalized Riemann problems. Furthermore, we show numerical evidence proving that by using very high order schemes together with high order polynomial representations of curved boundaries, high quality solutions can be obtained on very coarse meshes.Keywords: discontinuous Galerkin schemes, ADER approach, source terms, boundary conditions, unstructured meshes
Discretization of Source Terms with Arbitrary High Order DG SchemesWe consider the non-homogeneous system of conservation lawswith the fluxS is a source term that depends on the state vector u and that may also explicitly depend on space x = (x, y) and time t. For (1), proper initial conditions at t = 0 have to be provided. On the boundary ∂Ω of the domain, appropriate boundary conditions must be imposed on u or on the fluxes.The computational domain Ω is divided into conforming triangles T (m) addressed by a unique index (m). The numerical solution u h is sought in the space V of piecewise polynomials up to degree N. It is hence approximated inside each triangle T (m) by a linear combination of some time independent polynomial basis functions Φ l ( ξ) of degree N defined on T (m) and with time dependent degrees of freedomû (m) (t):We note that the coordinates ξ refer to a reference element T E , see Fig. 2. The number of degrees of freedom per ele-. For the discretization of the inhomogeneous equation (1), we multiply it by test functions Φ k from the same space V of piecewise polynomials of order N . After integration by parts, the semi-discrete DG scheme for the numerical solution u h is