The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical method which has become standard in the analysis of diagnostic markers, that is, in the study of the classification ability of a numerical variable. Most of the commercial statistical software provide routines for the standard ROC curve analysis. Of course, there are also many R packages dealing with the ROC estimation as well as other related problems. In this work we introduce the nsROC package which incorporates some new ROC curve procedures. Particularly: ROC curve comparison based on general distances among functions for both paired and unpaired designs; efficient confidence bands construction; a generalization of the curve considering different classification subsets than the one involved in the classical definition of the ROC curve; a procedure to deal with censored data in cumulative-dynamic ROC curve estimation for time-to-event outcomes; and a non-parametric ROC curve method for meta-analysis. This is the only R package which implements these particular procedures.
Non-standard ROC curve estimationAs mentioned previously, an ROC curve is a graphical method which displays the sensitivity (Se) versus the complementary of the specificity (1-Sp) for all possible thresholds of the considered marker.Although different parametric and semi-parametric estimators for the ROC curve have been studied, in our package the empirical estimator, based on replacing the involved unknown distribution functions with their respective empirical cumulative distribution functions,F, has been considered. Hence, the implemented ROC curve estimator isAbstract The increase in life expectancy followed by the burden of chronic diseases contributes to disability at older ages. The estimation of how much chronic conditions contribute to disability can be useful to develop public health strategies to reduce the burden. This paper introduces the R package addhaz, which is based on the attribution method (Nusselder and Looman, 2004) to partition disability into the additive contributions of diseases using cross-sectional data. The R package includes tools to fit the additive hazard model, the core of the attribution method, to binary and multinomial outcomes. The models are fitted by maximizing the binomial and multinomial log-likelihood functions using constrained optimization. Wald and bootstrap confidence intervals can be obtained for the parameter estimates. Also, the contribution of diseases to the disability prevalence and their bootstrap confidence intervals can be estimated. An additional feature is the possibility to use parallel computing to obtain the bootstrap confidence intervals. In this manuscript, we illustrate the use of addhaz with several examples for the binomial and multinomial models, using the data from the Brazilian National Health Survey, 2013.