It is shown that a classical optical Fourier processor can be used for the shaping of quantum correlations between two or more photons, and the class of Fourier masks applicable in the multiphoton Fourier space is identified. This concept is experimentally demonstrated using two types of periodic phase masks illuminated with path-entangled photon pairs, a highly non-classical state of light. Applied first were sinusoidal phase masks, emulating two-particle quantum walk on a periodic lattice, yielding intricate correlation patterns with various spatial bunching and anti-bunching effects depending on the initial state. Then, a periodic Zernike-like filter was applied on top of the sinusoidal phase masks. Using this filter, phase information lost in the original correlation measurements was retrieved.PACS numbers: 42.30. Kq, 42.50.Dv, 03.67.Ac, 03.67.Bg Fourier processing is a well-established method in signal processing, where a transformation is applied to the signal in the reciprocal Fourier domain. In classical optics, a lens converts an optical field in the back focal plane to its spatial Fourier transform at the front focal plane, where optical operations can be applied to directly manipulate the signal in the fourier domain [1]. This basic scheme has been used for the control and manipulation of the light intensity distribution in a number of optical signal processing methods, from matched filtering to phasecontrast microscopy [1]. One of the most frequently used setups is that of the 4-f filter, where a spatial mask at the common focal plane of two lenses performs the Fourier processing of the input signal (see inset in Fig. 1).In recent years, there is a growing interest in the generation, control and detection of non-classical, quantum light [2]. This is mostly due to its exciting applications in quantum information processing [3], quantum metrology [4], quantum imaging [5], and quantum lithography [6]. In contrast to classical light, many properties of quantum light cannot be revealed through first-order correlations, such as the light intensity, and require the measurement of higher order correlations [3,7]. Since optical Fourier processing proved to be a powerful tool for controlling the intensity distribution of classical light, examining the possibility of using this technique for the control of quantum correlations between photons seems very promising. This approach is further motivated by recent works applying Fourier optics to two photon states [8][9][10][11][12][13], where it was shown that the optical Fourier transform of two photons in one spatial dimension is given by the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the two-photon wavefunction [10,11].In this work, we first establish an analogy between the Fourier processing of classical light (intensity) to that of quantum light (correlations) by studying the effect of the Fourier-plane mask on photon correlations. We show that the effect of a one-dimensional mask in the space of the two-photon wavefunction is equivalent to the twodimensional, ext...