Gene Therapy -Tools and Potential Applications 136 plex. This core complex which cζrries-out mRN" degrζdζtion is the RN" induced silencing complex RISC [ -]. The degrζdζtion process requires the key ζrgonζute fζmily of proteins, which contζin ζ domζin with RNζse H endonucleζse type of ζctivity thζt cζtζlyse cleζvζge of the phosphodiester bonds of the tζrgeted mRN". RISC ζssembly ζnd subsequently its function to mediζte sequence specific mRN" degrζdζtion occur in the cytoplζsm of the cell [ ]. The source of the dsRN" segments incorporζted in RISC cζn be endogenously processed microRN" miRN" , short hζirpin RN" shRN" , or synthetic siRN". miRN" is produced from endogenous DN" through the ζction of RN" polymerζse II resulting in the formζtion of non-coding RN" cζlled primζry miRN" pri-miR-N" , which is processed in the nucleus by ζ protein complex contζining ζn enzyme known ζs Droshζ ζnd ζ dsRN" binding protein cofζctor cζlled Pζshζ DGCR . Droshζ cleζves pri-miRN" to produce pre-miRN" , ζ dsRN" of -nucleotides ζnd hζving ζ hζirpin loop, which binds to Exportin protein ζnd is trζnsferred from the nucleus into the cytoplζsm. Pre-miRN" is processed by Dicer RNζse III enzyme in the cytoplζsm to give miRN", typicζlly of nucleotides in length ζnd hζving two nucleotide overhζngs ζt the '-position [ , ], shRN" is produced by trζnscription from ζn exogenous DN" thζt is delivered to the nucleus, ζnd codes for ζ hζirpin shζped RN" with segments of length -nucleotides ζnd loop of nucleotides [ , ] which cζn then be processed by Dicer ζnd incorporζted in the RN"i mζchinery.Once in the cytoplζsm, the processed dsRN" miRN", processed shRN", or siRN" is then incorporζted into ζ protein complex RISC-loζding complex, RLC . In Drosophila the RLC is composed of the dsRN", heterodimer protein DCR Dicer vζriζnt /R D , possibly including the cζtζlytic ζrgonζute proteins ζs well in this complex. The ζctive RISC is formed when one of the RN" strζnds in the complex is cleζved the pζssenger strζnd ζnd the strζnd with the less thermodynζmic stζble '-end guide/ζnti-sense strζnd remζins in the complex. The mRN" with complementζry sequence to the guide strζnd binds to the ζctive RISC ζnd is cleζved by the endoribonucleζse ζctivity of the ζrgonζute component of the complex Figure . . . RNA duplex structure RN" is ζ polymer of ribonucleotides. Eζch RN" nucleotide is composed of one nucleobζse, the monosζcchζride pentose ribose, ζnd one phosphζte group. The nucleobζses in RN" ζre ζdenine purine bζse , guζnine purine bζse , urζcil pyrimidine bζse , ζnd cytosine pyrimidine bζse Figure . " nucleoside is formed when eζch bζse is connected viζ ζ glycosidic bond to the ζnomeric cζrbon ' of ribose, thus when glycosylζted, ζdenine, guζnine, urζcil, ζnd cytosine nucleobζses give ζdenosine, guζnosine, uridine, ζnd cytidine nucleosides. Eζch two nucleosides ζre connected viζ ζ phosphζte diester bond between the ' of one nucleoside ζnd ' of the next nucleoside to form the RN" polynucleotide strζnd. The mζin differences in the primζry structure of RN" ζnd DN" ...