Let X be lognormal(μ,σ2) with density f(x); let θ > 0 and define
L(θ)=double-struckEnormale−θX. We study properties of the exponentially tilted density (Esscher transform) fθ(x) = e−θxf(x)/L(θ), in particular its moments, its asymptotic form as θ→∞ and asymptotics for the saddlepoint θ(x) determined by
double-struckE[Xnormale−θX]/L(θ)=x. The asymptotic formulas involve the Lambert W function. The established relations are used to provide two different numerical methods for evaluating the left tail probability of the sum of lognormals Sn=X1+⋯+Xn: a saddlepoint approximation and an exponential tilting importance sampling estimator. For the latter, we demonstrate logarithmic efficiency. Numerical examples for the cdf Fn(x) and the pdf fn(x) of Sn are given in a range of values of σ2,n and x motivated by portfolio value‐at‐risk calculations.