Multi-legged robots with six or more legs are not in common use, despite designs with superior stability, maneuverability, and a low number of actuators being available for over 20 years. This may be in part due to the difficulty in modeling multi-legged motion with slipping and producing reliable predictions of body velocity. Here, we present a detailed measurement of the foot contact forces in a hexapedal robot with multiple sliding contacts, and provide an algorithm for predicting these contact forces and the body velocity. The algorithm relies on the recently published observation that even while slipping, multi-legged robots are principally kinematic, and employ a friction law ansatz that allows us to compute the shape-change to body-velocity connection and the foot contact forces. This results in the ability to simulate motion plans for a large number of contacts, each potentially with slipping. Furthermore, in homogeneous environments, this kind of simulation can run in (parallel) logarithmic time of the planning horizon.