Thep ast decades in organic chemistry have witnessed significant improvements in synthetic efficiency as ar esult of considerable progress in cascade reactions,t andem reactions,a nd related onepot processes. These methods are less time-consuming andp roduce less waste comparedt ot he classical stepwise approach. However, cascade chemistry requires am ore careful design and compatible reaction types for success.P alladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions,w ith their well understoodm ultistep catalytic cycles,f orm ap romising basis for the design of cascade reactions.F urthermore,t hey are compatible with ar ange of functional groups and can be combined with ar ange of secondary transformations. Ther esulting palladium-catalyzed cascade reactions have provided access to ap lethorao fc omplex small molecules of high medicinal relevance.T his review providesa no verview of the developments in palladium-catalyzed cascade reactions since 2011, classified according to the initiation, propagation, andtermination steps comprising the palladium cascade reactions.T hisc lassification should assist the reader and may provide inspiration for the design of newc ascade reactions.