A 3-D numerical model of the influence of meanders on groundwater discharge to a gaining stream in an unconfined sandy aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 168-181. https://doi.
24Groundwater discharge to streams depends on stream morphology and groundwater flow direction, 25 but are not always well understood. Here a 3-D groundwater flow model is employed to investigate 26 the impact of meandering stream geometries on groundwater discharge to streams in an unconfined 27 and homogenous sandy aquifer at the reach scale (10-200 m). The effect of meander geometry was 28 examined by considering three scenarios with varying stream sinuosity. The interaction with regional 29 groundwater flow was examined for each scenario by considering three groundwater flow directions. 30The sensitivity of stream morphology and flow direction to other parameters was quantified by 31 varying the stream width, the meander amplitude, the magnitude of the hydraulic gradient, the 32 hydraulic conductivity, and the aquifer thickness. Implications for a real stream were then 33 investigated by simulating groundwater flow to a stream at a field site located in Grindsted, Denmark. 34