It is possible to harvest energy from Earth's thermal infrared emission into outer space. We calculate the thermodynamic limit for the amount of power available, and as a case study, we plot how this limit varies daily and seasonally in a location in Oklahoma. We discuss two possible ways to make such an emissive energy harvester (EEH): A thermal EEH (analogous to solar thermal power generation) and an optoelectronic EEH (analogous to photovoltaic power generation). For the latter, we propose using an infraredfrequency rectifying antenna, and we discuss its operating principles, efficiency limits, system design considerations, and possible technological implementations.long-wave infrared | rectenna W henever energy flows from hotter to colder, there is an opportunity to harvest renewable energy. For example, solar energy and biofuels rely on the energy flow from the Sun to the Earth, and wind power and hydroelectricity rely on the energy flow from hotter to colder areas on Earth. However, there is one massive energy flow that has been neglected: The roughly 10 17 W of infrared thermal radiation that Earth continuously emits into cold outer space. The technology does not yet exist to siphon renewable energy out of this flow, but we will argue that it is possible to make a device that does exactly that. We call such a device an emissive energy harvester (EEH).In general terms, we propose a device that has a large emissivity in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) "atmospheric window" at 8-13 μm, where the atmosphere is mostly transparent, and small emissivity at other wavelengths, where the atmosphere is mostly opaque. It would sit outdoors with its emissive surface pointing upward, emitting thermal radiation toward the sky, but receiving far less radiation back (1, 2). This imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation can be converted into an imbalance in electron motion, i.e., into useful electrical power. With a perfectly transparent atmosphere, an EEH would be a kind of heat engine harnessing the temperature difference between Earth's surface at ∼275-300 K and outer space at 3 K. However, because the atmosphere is not perfectly transparent, EEH power generation will be affected by weather and atmospheric conditions-and stopped altogether by thick, low clouds. On the other hand, because the Sun emits negligible LWIR compared with the atmosphere, an EEH can operate during both day and night. The effects of sunlight are discussed in more detail below.One possible design of an EEH, shown in Fig. 1A, is a heat engine running between the ambient temperature and a cold panel, where the latter maintains its temperature by radiative cooling (1, 2). We will argue below that this is not the most promising EEH design, but it is a simple example that illustrates the principle. Fig. 2A shows the energy flows involved in EEH operation. There are three relevant temperatures, T hot > T cold > T sky , corresponding to the hot reservoir temperature, the cold panel temperature, and the radiation brightness temperature of the sky, r...