We study the complexity of computing the k th -power of an element of F2n by constant depth arithmetic circuits over F2 (also known as AC 0 (⊕)). Our study encompasses the complexity of basic arithmetic operations such as computing cube-root and computing cubic-residuosity of elements of F2n . Our main result is that these problems require exponential size circuits.We also derive strong average-case versions of these results. For example, we show that no subexponential-size, constant-depth, arithmetic circuit over F2 can correctly compute the cubic residue symbol for more than 1/3 + o(1) fraction of the elements of F2n . As a corollary, we deduce a character sum bound showing that the cubic residue character over F2n is uncorrelated with all degree-d n-variate F2 polynomials (viewed as functions over F2n in a natural way), provided d n for some universal > 0. Classical methods (based on van der Corput differencing and the Weil bounds) show this only for d log(n). Our proof revisits the classical Razborov-Smolensky method for circuit lower bounds, and executes an analogue of it in the land of univariate polynomials over F2n . The tools we use come from both F2n and F n 2 . In recent years, this interplay between F2n and F n 2 has played an important role in many results in pseudorandomness, property testing and coding theory.