Broad ability domains most often measured by intelligence testsFluid Reasoning (Gf ): The use of deliberate and controlled procedures to solve novel "on the spot" problems that cannot be solved by using previously learned habits, schemas, and scripts Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm): The ability to maintain and manipulate information in active awareness; the mind's mental "scratchpad" or "workbench"Learning Efficiency (Gl): The ability to learn, store, and consolidate new information over periods of time measured in minutes, hours, days, and years
Visual-Spatial Processing (Gv):The ability to make use of simulated mental imagery to solve problems; perceiving, discriminating, and manipulating images in the "mind's eye"Auditory Processing (Ga): The ability to discriminate between, remember, reason with, and manipulate auditory stimuli, which may consist of tones, environmental sounds, and units of speech Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc): The ability to comprehend and communicate broad classes of culturally-valued knowledge; depth and breadth of both declarative and procedural knowledge developed through experience, learning, and acculturation Retrieval Fluency (Gr): The rate and fluency at which individuals can access information stored in long-term memory Processing Speed (Gs): The ability to control attention to automatically, quickly, and fluently perform relatively simple repetitive cognitive tasks; attentional fluency or attentional speediness Other broad ability domains not often measured by intelligence tests Domain-Specific Knowledge (Gkn): The depth, breadth, and mastery of specialized declarative and procedural knowledge Reading and Writing (Grw): The depth and breadth of declarative and procedural knowledge and skills related to written language (i.e., literacy) Quantitative Knowledge (Gq): The depth and breadth of declarative and procedural knowledge related to mathematics (i.e., numeracy) Reaction and Decision Speed (Gt): The speed of making very simple decisions or judgments when items are presented one at a time Psychomotor Abilities (Gp): The ability to perform skilled physical body motor movements (e.g., movement of fingers, hands, and legs) with precision, coordination, or strength Psychomotor Speed (Gps): The speed at which skilled motor movement can be performed Olfactory Processing (Go): The ability to detect and process meaningful information in odors Tactile (Haptic) Processing (Gh): The ability to detect and process meaningful information in haptic (touch) sensations Kinesthetic Processing (Gk): The ability to detect and process meaningful information in proprioceptive sensations Emotional Intelligence (Gei): The ability to perceive emotions expressions, understand emotional behavior, and solve problems using emotions Note. Bold font designates the most well-validated domains, whereas italic font designates tentative domains. CHC = Cattell-Horn-Carroll. Data from Schneider and McGrew (2018).from the simultaneous degradation of functioning in multiple cognitive systems by one or more variables wit...