wileyonlinelibrary.comdichalcogenides (TMDs), [11][12][13] and black phosphorous, [ 14 ] have been highlighted as promising candidates. Among these materials, graphene oxide (GO) has been extensively studied to develop electronic devices based on atomically thin fi lms. The high-quality thin fi lms via a simple and cost-effective solution process are easily fabricated onto transparent and fl exible substrates at the relatively low temperature. Furthermore, the electrical properties of fi lms can be controlled by the amount of oxygen-functional groups attached to the GO sheets. [15][16][17][18] Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) can be produced from electrically insulating GO by removing the oxygen groups via thermal and chemical reductions. Therefore, GO thin fi lms can be used as a promising active layer in resistive switching memories [ 10,[19][20][21] as well as fl exible electrodes with highly conductive rGO sheets. [ 9,10,22,23 ] Many research groups have reported on GObased resistive switching memories that show superior memory properties when sandwiched with different metal electrode materials. [19][20][21][24][25][26][27] Recently, GO hybrid composites mixed with other materials such as a polymer, [ 28,29 ] nanoparticles, [ 30,31 ] or other 2D materials [ 32 ] have been widely studied to improve the performance of GO-based memory.The microscopic origin of the resistive switching phenomenon in GO-based memories has been generally explained by oxygen ion migration and the formation of a metal fi lament within GO fi lms. Fundamental studies of this microscopic origin have been limited to electrical I -V measurements at various temperatures [ 10,18,21,23 ] or chemical analysis methods. [ 31,33,34 ] These methods differ from those used to directly demonstrate the switching mechanisms of conventional transition-metal-oxide-based memories, by applying highly resolved techniques such as local conductivity atomic force microscopy (LC-AFM), [ 35,36 ] scanning probe microscopy (SPM), [ 37 ] and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). [38][39][40] The measurement limitations in GO-based memories are due to practical challenges such as sample preparation of 2D stacked GO nanosheets for advanced characterization. Although we previously reported on the nanoscale Al metallic fi lament induced at the top amorphous interface layer in Al/GO/Al resistive memory devices using high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) techniques, [ 19,20 ] revealing the existence of conducting path in a GO active layer remains a diffi cult challenge. The ability to visualize the conductive fi lament induced in Electrically insulating graphene oxide with various oxygen-functional groups is a novel material as an active layer in resistive switching memories via reduction process. Although many research groups have reported on graphene oxide-based resistive switching memories, revealing the origin of conducting path in a graphene oxide active layer remains a critical challenge. Here nanoscale conductive graphitic channels within graphene oxide fi lms are reported us...