The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of motivation of individuals participating in regular recreational exercise to exercise and to examine the direction of certain variables. While the study group of the research was composed of 370 university students, the criterion sampling method was used as the sampling method. In the research, Mullen et al. (Exercise Behavioral Regulation Scale-2", which was developed by Ersöz (2011), which was developed by Markland and Tobin (2004) and was renamed "Behavioral Regulation Scale in Exercise Scale-2". In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, independent sample T test, oneway analysis of variance ANOVA test and post hoc tests were used for intra-group comparisons. When the total behavioral regulation scores were examined, the participants who showed the mean scores (34,11 ± 9,58) received the highest score in the internal regulation sub-dimension (19,83 ± 6,27), while they showed below average scores in the motivation dimension (3,23 ± 3, 74). As a result of the research, it can be said that regular recreational exercise and certain variables change behavioral regulation in exercise.