Theoretical Physics Group, Blackett LaboratoryImperial College, London SW7 2BZ, U.K.
AbstractWe review explicitly known exact D = 4 solutions with Minkowski signature in closed bosonic string theory. Classical string solutions with space-time interpretation are represented by conformal sigma models. Two large (intersecting) classes of solutions are described by gauged WZW models and 'chiral null models' (models with conserved chiral null current). The latter class includes plane-wave type backgrounds (admitting a covariantly constant null Killing vector) and backgrounds with two null Killing vectors (e.g., fundamental string solution). D > 4 chiral null models describe some exact D = 4 solutions with electromagnetic fields, for example, extreme electric black holes, charged fundamental strings and their generalisations. In addition, there exists a class of conformal models representing axially symmetric stationary magnetic flux tube backgrounds (including, in particular, the dilatonic Melvin solution). In contrast to spherically symmetric chiral null models for which the corresponding conformal field theory is not known explicitly, the magnetic flux tube models (together with some non-semisimple WZW models) are among the first examples of solvable unitary conformal string models with non-trivial D = 4 curved space-time interpretation. For these models one is able to express the quantum hamiltonian in terms of free fields and to find explicitly the physical spectrum and string partition function.
To appear as a review in Classical and Quantum GravityMay 1995 ⋆ e-mail address: † On leave from Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia.
IntroductionString theory is a remarkable extension of General Relativity which is consistent at the quantum level. One of the important problems is to study the set of exact classical solutions to string equations of motion. This may clarify its formal aspects but also may be relevant for understanding the implications of string theory for cosmology and black holes (assuming that in certain regions, e.g., at small times/scales, the effective string coupling is small so that perturbative and non-perturbative corrections to string equations of motion can be ignored). To be able to address issues of singularities and strong field behavior one should determine not just solutions of the leading-order low-energy string effective equations derived under the assumption of small field gradients (|α ′ R| ≪ 1, etc.) but solutions that are exact to all orders in α ′ (i.e., the corresponding exact conformal σ-models), and, ultimately, how first-quantized string modes propagate in a given background (i.e., the underlying conformal field theories).