Abstract-We present an eigenfilter-based approach for the design of two-channel linear-phase FIR perfect-reconstruction (PR) filter banks. This approach can be used to design 1-D two-channel filter banks, as well as multidimensional nonseparable two-channel filter banks. Our method consists of first designing the low-pass analysis filter. Given the low-pass analysis filter, the PR conditions can be expressed as a set of linear constraints on the complementary-synthesis low-pass filter. We design the complementary-synthesis filter by using the eigenfilter design method with linear constraints. We show that, by an appropriate choice of the length of the filters, we can ensure the existence of a solution to the constrained eigenfilter design problem for the complementary-synthesis filter. Thus, our approach gives an eigenfilter-based method of designing the complementary filter, given a "predesigned" analysis filter, with the filter lengths satisfying certain conditions. We present several design examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.Index Terms-Eigen-filter design, least-square filter design, twochannel filter bank.