In this paper, two interesting eigenvalue comparison theorems for the first non-zero Steklov eigenvalue of the Laplacian have been established for manifolds with radial sectional curvature bounded from above. Besides, sharper bounds for the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Wentzell eigenvalue problem of the weighted Laplacian, which can be seen as a natural generalization of the classical Steklov eigenvalue problem, have been obtained. * Corresponding author MSC 2010: 35P15, 53C20. Key Words: Steklov eigenvalue problem, Laplacian, eigenvalues, spherically symmetric manifolds, Wentzell eigenvalue problem. p ⊆ T p M is a unit vector of the unit sphere S n−1 p with center p in the tangent space T p M. Let D p , a star shaped set of T p M, and d ξ be defined byand d ξ = d ξ (p) := sup{t > 0| γ ξ (s) := exp p (sξ ) is the unique minimal geodesic joining p and γ ξ (t)} respectively. Then exp p : D p → M\Cut(p) gives a diffeomorphism from D p onto the open set M\Cut(p), with Cut(p) the cut locus of p. For ζ ∈ ξ ⊥ , one can define the path of linear transformations A(t, ξ ) : ξ ⊥ → ξ ⊥ by A(t, ξ )ζ = (τ t ) −1 Y (t),