In this work, given p ∈ (1, ∞), we prove the existence and simplicity of the first eigenvalue λp and its corresponding eigenvector (up, vp), for the following local/nonlocal PDE system (0.1)where Ω ⊂ IR N is a bounded open domain, 0 < r, s < 1 and α(p) + β(p) = p. Moreover, we address the asymptotic limit as p → ∞, proving the explicit geometric characterization of the corresponding first ∞−eigenvalue, namely λ∞, and the uniformly convergence of the pair (up, vp) to the ∞−eigenvector (u∞, v∞). Finally, the triple (u∞, v∞, λ∞) verifies, in the viscosity sense, a limiting PDE system.