Unitary fusion categories (UFCs) have gained increased attention due to emerging connections with quantum physics. We discuss how UFCs can be understood as fusion categories equipped with a "positive dagger structure" and apply this in a graphical context. Given a fusion rule q ⊗ q ∼ = 1 ⊕ k i=1 x i in a UFC C, we extract information using skein-theoretic methods and a rotation operator. For instance, we classify all associated framed link invariants when k = 1, 2 and C is ribbon. In particular, we also consider the instances where q is antisymmetrically self-dual. Some of this work is reformulated from the perspective of braid representations factoring through the Hecke and Temperley-Lieb algebras. Our main results follow from considering the action of the rotation operator on a "canonical basis". Assuming self-duality of the summands x i , some general observations are made e.g. the real-symmetricity of the F -matrix F qqq q . We then find explicit formulae for F qqq q when k = 2 and C is ribbon, and see that the spectrum of the rotation operator distinguishes between the Kauffman and Dubrovnik polynomials. Finally, we apply some of our results in a physical setting (where C is a unitary modular category) and provide some worked examples: quantum entanglement is discussed using the graphical calculus, framed links are interpreted as Wilson loops, and a theorem is given on the duality of topological charges.