This study investigates a compact and straightforward self-decoupled 2 × 2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna set and its applications for current and future 5G terminal devices. The proposed self-decoupled MIMO antennas include a popularly used loop antenna and a compact loop-type ground-radiation antenna without utilizing any supplementary decoupling structures or undergoing complex tuning process. It is revealed that the loop antenna and the ground-radiation antenna can be modeled as an electric-current element and a magnetic-current element, respectively. This orthogonality allows the selfdecoupled characteristic of the proposed MIMO antennas even though the antenna elements are tightly arranged and collocated together. An 8 × 8 MIMO antenna system is further demonstrated for 5G MIMO applications, where both simulation and measurement are conducted to validate the feasibility of the proposed technique. It is concluded that the proposed MIMO antenna system is a smart way to generate high isolation and low correlation characteristics while having advantages of low profile and easy fabrication so that it can be recognized as a promising candidate for 5G applications. INDEX TERMS Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), 5G, terminal devices, loop antenna, groundradiation antenna, orthogonality.