Considering models with tilted linear and quadratic band touching dispersions, the effect of the transverse linear tilt on the transmission spectra is analyzed through a harmonically driven potential well oriented longitudinally. Employing the Floquet scattering matrix formalism, Fano resonances are found as an outcome of matching between the Floquet sidebands and quasi‐bound states, where the tilt renormalizes their energies and wave vectors. It is found that the Fano resonance energy decreases (increases) for linear (quadratic) band touchings as the magnitude of the transverse momentum increases, indicating a distinct signature of the underlying band dispersion in the transmission profile. The sign of the product of the transverse momentum and the tilt also determines the relative shift in the Fano resonance energy with respect to the untilted case for both band dispersions, suggesting a possible tunability of the Fano resonance for tilted systems. Importantly, the tilt strength can also be directly determined by measuring the Fano resonance energy as function of the transverse momenta direction. The shot noise spectra and their differential property are further studied where an inflection region and undulation, respectively, is found around the Fano resonance energy. Interestingly, differential shot noise and transmission spectra both qualitatively behave in a similar fashion and might thus serve as important observables for future experiments on driven solid‐state systems.