1. He'(m m)He': E""=0. 95 (center of mass); mass defect = 12.92~0.05. 2. Li'(1 o)Hes: He'=He'+v+0. 97+0.05; mass defect = 12.94~0.05. 3. Li'(d He')He'. Qs --0.91&0. 09;mass defect= 12.85 0.09. 4. Li'(d o)He'. Qs --14.23&0.07; mass defect= 12.85 0.07. We adopt: He' mass defect=12. 92&0.08 Mev. I. (a) H'(d n)He4 Q =17.577 Zs 16. 63--(b) H'(1 e)He4The yield exhibits a pronounced maximum near E~=107 kev, with a cross section of 4.95&0.14 b (Ar 54) t Lsee also (Aj 52c)). Precise cross sections in the tange 8&=10 to 1700 kev are tabulated by (Ar 52d), ' E. P. Wigner and L. Eisenbud, Phys. Rev. 72, 29 (1947); T.Teichmann and E. P. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 87, 123 (1952).f' References are indicated by the erst two letters of the 6rst named author and are listed at the end of the article. VIII. Li6(y t)He' Q = -15.786 This reaction has not been observed with 17.6-Mev gammas. The cross section is &6&4pb (Ti 54b). Ix. Li~(e g')Li6 See Li'. Li'(e e')Li'. X. (a) Li'(p p')Li'* (b) Li'(d d')Li'* Proton and deuteron groups are observed corresponding to the state at 2.19 Mev. At Eq= 7.4 Mev (|I = 90'), no deuteron group corresponding to the presumed T= 1 state at 3.57 Mev is observed [(Br53h) and C. P. Browne, private communication). See also (Aj 52c). ENERGY LEVELS OF LIGHT NUCLEI Lie, Be6 He7, Li7XI. Li'(p d)Li' Q"= -5.010Deuteron groups have been observed corresponding to the ground state, and to levels at 2.2&0.2 and 3.7 &0.2 Mev (Fr 52). At E"=18 Mev, angular distributions of the deuterons to the ground state and the 2.19-Mev level, analyzed by pickup theory, indicate l"=1 and hence even parity, 7 &3, for both states (Re 54a).XII. Li'(d t)Li' Q = -0.988The angular distributions of the tritons, analyzed by pickup theory, indicates l"=1, and hence even parity for the ground state (Ho 53c, Le 54) and for the 2.19-Mev state (Le 54). At Eq 14.5 M-ev, the cross sections Ka