Absorptionsspektren, sichtbar und ultraoiolett / Elektroneniibertragung / Losungen / Mizellen / Porphyrinkomplexe 1 ReaktionskinetikWe have used the "Stopped-Flow"-and the "Continuous Flow"-methods to investigate the electron-transfer behaviour of silver-porphyrin complexes in aqueous and micelle containing solutions. Using IrCIi-or Os(dipy): + as the electron acceptor compound and silver(I1) complexes of tetraphenylporphyrin tetrasulfonic acid (TPPTS), protoporphyrin (PP) or mesoporphyrin (MP) as the electron donor, second-order rate constants between lo4 M ' s ~ ' and 10" Ms ~ ' could be measured. -In aqueous solutions all three porphyrin complexes showed a complex kinetic behaviour because of dimerisation or the formation of higher aggregates. Only Ag(I1)TPPTS was monomeric at low ionic strength. -In the presence of surface active substances such as sodiumdodecylsulfate (SDS), dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC) or cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) in concentrations above the cmc, where micelles are formed, all silver-porphyrin complexes could be incorporated as monomers into the hydrophobic core of the micelles. In this way it was possible to investigate the kinetics of electron-transfer of monomeric porphyrin complexes and to compare these with the behaviour in aqueous surfactant-free solutions. Special attention was paid to measuring the activation barrier for an electron-transfer from porphyrin complexes in the hydrophobic part of the micelles to redox ions in the surrounding solution. By varying the ionic strength of the solution and adding different types of surfactants, pure electrostatic effects could be separated from barriers which are created by an electron-transfer through the surface of the micelles. -The mechanisms of these reactions are explained quantitatively to demonstrate the possibilities of influencing such electron-transfer reactions.