Infection of the temperature-sensitive E. coli CRT 266 (dnaBts) with T3-phages a t the temperature of 30 "C and 35 "C. respectively, induced T3-specific RNA synthesis with a maximum rate at 7 min (30 %)and 4.5 min (35 "C) after infection. At temperatures above 40 "C no T3-induced RNA synthesis could be observed. Infection of E. coli CR 34-45 (dnaB+) with T3 phages a't 30 "C, 35°C and at temperatures above 40 "C, however, produced T3-specific RNA synthesis. The maximum of T3-induced R S A synthesis could be observed between 7 min and 3 min depending on the temperat,ure during infection. The inability t o form T3-specific RXA after infection of E. coli CRT 266 a't nonperniissix-e temperatures may be a cause for the absence of the formation of T3 phages and