The diameter, volume, triglyceride content and number of adipocytes were determined in male Wistar rats at the age of 6 weeks and 2, 3, 12 and 18 months, respectively. A standard diet and water were given ad libitum. The adipocytes were isolated by means of the method of RODBELL. The weight and fat content of the fatty tissues were determined gravimetrically. Age exerts no effect on the adipocyte parameter, nor on the weight and the fat content of the fatty tissue. In contrast to this, there are relationships between adipocyte diameter and the increases in body weight. In all age groups, the increase in size and number of the adipocytes was significantly greater in heavy animals than in light ones. Genetic, hormonal and dietarily-induced factors are discussed as a possible cause. The authors observed no difference in adipocyte size between epididymal and perirenal fatty tissues. As compared to this, the mesenteric adipocytes were smaller.