We explore, both experimentally and theoretically, the propagation dynamics of spatially entangled photon pairs (biphotons). Characterization of entanglement is done via the Schmidt number, which is a universal measurement of the degree of entanglement directly related to the non-separability of the state into its subsystems. We develop expressions for the terms of the Schmidt number that depend on the amplitude and phase of the commonly used double-Gaussian approximation for the biphoton wave function, and demonstrate migration of entanglement between amplitude and phase upon propagation. We then extend this analysis to incorporate both phase curvature in the pump beam and higher spatial frequency content of more realistic non-Gaussian wave functions. Specifically, we generalize the classical beam quality parameter M 2 to the biphotons, allowing the description of more information-rich beams and more complex dynamics. Agreement is found with experimental measurements using direct imaging and Fourier optics.Entanglement is a key resource in quantum information. While entanglement in discrete variables, such as spin or polarization [1][2][3][4][5], forms the basis of qubits, of growing interest is entanglement in continuous variables, such as transverse spatial position and momentum. The conjugate nature of these variables underlies imaging and propagation, while their infinite-dimensional Hilbert space holds much potential for quantum computation [6][7][8][9]. Typically, the photon source for continuous-variable entanglement is spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) [10][11][12][13][14] but, remarkably, there have been few investigations into its amount and distribution upon propagation [15,16].A universal metric to quantify the degree of entanglement is the Schmidt number, which is directly related to the non-separability of the state's (two) subsystems [17][18][19]. While interferometric measurements of the Schmidt number have been proposed [15] and demonstrated [16], such methods do not examine the manifestation of the entanglement, i.e., non-separability of amplitude or phase. Furthermore, theoretical analysis has thus far focused primarily on Gaussian spatial profiles, which are not generated experimentally.Here, we present an analysis of the Schmidt number of realistic non-Gaussian entangled photon wave functions, explicitly revealing the migration of entanglement with propagation from amplitude to phase and back again [15]. First, we present a Schmidt decomposition of the commonly used double-Gaussian approximation for the biphoton wave function. We clearly identify amplitude and phase components and demonstrate migration between them during propagation. This migration depends on the focusing geometry of the pump used to generate the photon pairs, as its phase profile directly determines the far-field properties of the biphoton wave function. We then examine more realistic biphoton wave functions that have different propagation behavior from the ideal double-Gaussian. In particular, the higher spat...