Changing the set of independent variables of Poincaré gauge theory and considering, in a manner similar to the second order formalism of general relativity, the Riemannian part of the Lorentz connection as function of the tetrad field, we construct theories that do not contain second or higher order derivatives in the field variables, possess a full general relativity limit in the absence of spinning matter fields, and allow for propagating torsion fields in the general case, the spin density playing the role of the source current in a Yang-Mills type equation for the torsion. The equivalence of the second order and conventional first order formalism is established and the corresponding Noether identities are discussed. Finally, a concrete Lagrangian is constructed and by means of a Yasskin type ansatz, the field equations are reduced to a conventional Einstein-Proca system. Neglecting higher order terms in the spin tensor, approximate solutions describing the exterior of a spin polarized neutron star are presented and the possibility of the experimental detection of the torsion fields is briefly discussed.