Pesantren is the oldest Islamic Education institution in Indonesia. Until now, its role has beenvital in conveying Islamic teachings and values and forming a society with Islamic character.However exclusive it is, its existence is always required to adjust to the times and lifestylechanges. Islamic teachings through Turast taught in pesantren have formed a lifestyle that inrecent years has become a trend, namely the halal lifestyle. So it becomes interesting to studyhow students' lifestyles should reflect what they have learned from Turast. This research isqualitative, to answer this problem data mining uses interviews and documentation. The resultsof this study state that pesantren have built the halal lifestyle of santri, one of which is throughhalal cosmetics. Most informants from the 2 pesantren where this study took place stated thatthe halal logo is a priority consideration in choosing and buying halal cosmetics. Halal awarenesswhich then becomes halal behavior begins and is guarded by Islamic values that they learn fromthe yellow book or Turats. Supporting the system in shaping this halal behavior is the exampleof Kyai as the leader of the pesantren and the existence of Koperasi Pesantren (Kopontren) thathave a strong commitment by only providing and selling cosmetics with the halal logo. Theresults of this study will contribute to related industries and can be used as a potential issue inpolicy-making related to pesantren and halal products.Keywords: Halal cosmetics, Halal Lifestyle, Islamic Boarding School