“…In this respect, FART groups in Psychology and Education have expressed alarm about the profusion of minors visiting gender transition specialists due to-in their words-the visibility of trans issues in the media and social networks, the reduced stigma and the depathologization in addition to the affirmative focus that foments mutilation, in their opinion [6]. Moreover, according to these groups, this entire breeding ground creates a social contagion that produces an outbreak of sudden gender dysphoria, based on the revised study by Litman [10], that ends up in an 80% detransition rate [6]. However, although terms such as "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" have been rejected by much of the scientific literature [9,[11][12][13]; although the increase in the number of minors seeking assistance from specialists is due to insufficient or non-existent service in the past [14]; although the role of affirmative therapy is to advocate for general well-being [15] and not to recklessly prescribe single, homogenous reassignment solutions [8]; although the detransition rate is far below 80% [16], ranging between 1% and 2% [17,18] and is usually due to a non-binary tendency or insufficient support [19]; and although being trans is not a contagious fashion (it would be contradictory for one of the most stigmatized and harassed groups [20] to be in fashion), they continue to repeat it, like a mantra.…”