The tasks of environmental assessment of projects are to determine quantitative criteria for decision-making on the admissibility or inadmissibility of the project, to ensure the choice of options and types of planned economic activities with the lowest environmental and social costs, to obtain quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of environmental measures. project implementation. Environmental assessment accompanies all stages of the project-investment cycle. One of the main principles of evaluating the effectiveness of projects is the inclusion of environmental results and costs in the cash flows that are taken into account in the analysis of the project. According to the traditional cost-benefit economic analysis, a project is considered effective and feasible if the benefits outweigh the costs. The paper presents modified methods of expert and environmental assessment that accompany all stages of the project-investment cycle of the project. The authors propose harmonization of approaches to environmental impact assessment, which are used in national and world practice. The methodology is shown, whichis aimed at generalizing the Ukrainian and international experience in EIA and specifying the evaluation criteria. Developed and proposed methodological aspects of environmental impact assessment can be used to develop a final EIA. The study describes a comprehensive impact assessment for any components of the environment. The proposed criteria allow us to draw specific conclusions on the assessment of the impact on each environment, which is a priority in the environmental assessment.