Single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) is inactivated by thrombin, which cleaves the peptide bond between Arg156 and Phe157. In a search for potential activators of thrombin-cleaved two-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (tcu-PA/T), we found that the lysosoma1 aminopeptidase dipeptidyl-peptidase I or cathepsin C efficiently activates tcu-PA/T. Cathepsin C was as active towards tcu-PA/T as the bacterial proteinase thermolysin and about 300-times more active than plasmin. The activation by cathepsin C proceeded in a concentration-dependent and time-dependent manner with a pH optimum between 5 and 7. Furthermore, the effect of cathepsin C was inhibited by cystatin and stimulated by cysteine, typical for the action of a thiol proteinase. As no degradation of the tcu-PA/T molecule by cathepsin C was visible on SDS/PAGE, we suggest that activation of tcu-PA/T occurs by cleavage between Lys158-Ile159 and removal of the two Nterminal amino acid residues (Phe157-Lys158) of the B chain of tcu-PA/T. We conclude that both thrombin and dipeptidyl-peptidases like cathepsin C might play a regulatory role in the plasminogenplasmin system by inactivating scu-PA and activating tcu-PA/T, respectively.Single-chain urohnase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) or pro-urokinase is the precursor of two-chain urokinasetype plasminogen activator (tcu-PA; for review see [l]). scu-PA seems to have little or no intrinsic plasminogen-activator activity [2 -51. In contrast, tcu-PA efficiently converts plasminogen into the active serine proteinase plasmin, which plays a key role in extracellular proteolysis, including fibrinolysis.Activation of scu-PA to tcu-PA occurs by cleavage of a thermolysin, a bacterial proteinase was found to activate both tcu-PA/T and scu-PA with about the same efficiency [17].In the present study we were interested to discover if there was any physiological enzyme which was able to activate tcu-PNT. As a possible candidate for removing the two N-terminal amino acid residues (Phe157-Lys158) from the B-chain of tcu-PA/T we studied the effect of the thiol proteinase dipeptidyl-peptidase I (DPP I) also called cathepsin C [16, 18, 191. Thrombin does not activate scu-PA, but cleaves the protein two residues before the activation site at Argl56-Phe157 [9], resulting in an apparently inactive tcu-PA [9, 20, 211. The action of thrombin on scu-PA is accelerated by thrombomodulin [22, 231, and recently we found evidence for the occurrence of thrombin-cleaved tcu-PA (tcu-PA/T) in plasma, in synovial fluid and in peritoneal fluid [24]. It has been shown that tcu-PA/T can still be activated by plasmin, but about 500-times less efficiently than scu-PA [25]. Recently scu-PA from a transformed human kidney cell line (specific activity: 144000 U/mg; 99.3% zymogen) was kindly provided by Dr F. Hammerschmid, Sandoz (Vienna, Austria). Plasmin and 5-oxoprolyl-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilide (S-2444) were purchased from Kabi AB. Hirudin was from Pentapharm and aprotinin (TrasylolR) was from Bayer AG. Thermolysin, cathe...