The differential cross section u(8) for neutron elastic scattering from "C and for inelistic scattering from the 4.44MeV state was measured at 15.57, 16.75 and 17.29MeV. The u(0) data, together with published analysing power AJ8) data, were analysed in the framework of the spherical optical model and in the coupled-channels formalism. It was mncluded that the present '*C(n,n)'*C data and published data at higher energies appear to be well suited for determining properties of valence single-particle excitations in "C and "C via an iterative-moment approach or a dispersive optical-model analysis.NUCLEAR REACTIONS ''C(n, n). (n. n'), E = 15.57-17.29 MeV; measured m(E, 8); deduced optical-model and coupled-channels approach potential parameters.