CONTENTS2. Mammalian intrafusal muscle fibres are of three functional types. Most spindles contain one slow nuclear bag fibre, one fast nuclear bag fibre, and four or five nuclear chain fibres. 3. Contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres is characterized by a long latency and very slow initial velocity, whereas the latency for the other intrafusal fibres is short and the initial velocity rapid. The mean time for maximum contraction (at 75 Hz to 100 Hz) and relaxation is significantly longer for slow nuclear bag fibres (0-8 s) than for other intrafusal fibres (0 5 s). The contraction time of fast nuclear bag fibres is sometimes longer than that of nuclear chain fibres but the mean values are not significantly different; a difference in the time to attain 90% contraction is more obvious. 4. At low stimulation frequencies (10 Hz) contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres and in most fast nuclear bag fibres is smooth whereas nuclear chain fibres exhibit marked oscillations. Single stimuli elicit small local twitches in nuclear chain fibres and occasionally in fast nuclear bag fibres but produce no visible effect in slow nuclear bag fibres. 5. Maximum contraction of slow and fast nuclear bag fibres at body temperature is attained at a stimulation frequency of 75 Hz to 100 Hz, whereas a frequency of 150 Hz or more is required for maximum contraction of nuclear chain fibres. At 50 Hz at body temperature contraction in nuclear bag fibres is at least half the maximum, whereas in many spindles nuclear chain fibres show only a very small contraction at this frequency. 6. Contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres occurs at one or two discrete foci, most of which lie in the intracapsular region beyond the end of the fiuid space. Weak contraction extends the primary sensory spiral by a small amount (2 %-8 %) at a low velocity (5 %-10% s-1). When the fibre is passively stretched the spiral opens and then creeps back to about 75 % of the extension at the end of the stretch due to yielding in the poles of the fibre; creep is complete in 0-5 s to 2-5 s. 7. Contraction in fast nuclear bag fibres also occurs at one or two discrete foci, most of which lie in the intracapsular region beyond the end of the fluid space. Shortening of sarcomeres at the foci and extension of the sensory spiral are, however, up to eight times greater (up to 25 %) than in slow nuclear bag fibres, and the velocity of stretch of the spiral is three to eight times greater (25 %-40 % s-1). Fast nuclear bag fibres exhibit little or no creep following passive stretch. 8. Contraction in the nuclear chain fibre bundle is localized to the intracapsular region, centred on a point in the intracapsular region between 0 9 mm and 1-6 mm from the spindle equator. Maximal contraction stretches primary and secondary sensory endings by 15 % to 20%, at 30% to 40 % s-l. Nuclear chain fibres follow length changes of the spindle faithfully and rarely exhibit creep following passive stretch. 9. The resting sarcomere length of nuclear bag fibres is significantly greater in the contractin...