The staggered grid finite-difference method is a powerful tool in seismology and is commonly used to study earthquake source dynamics. In the staggered grid finite-difference method stress and particle velocity components are calculated at different grid points, and a faulting problem is a mixed boundary problem, therefore different implementations of fault boundary conditions have been proposed. VIRIUEX and MADARIAGA (1982) chose the shear stress grid as the fault surface, however, this method has several problems: (1) Fault slip leakage outside the fault, and (2) the stress bump beyond the crack tip caused by S waves is not well resolved. MADARIAGA et al. (1998) solved the latter problem via thick fault implementation, but the former problem remains and causes a new issue; displacement discontinuity across the slip is not well modeled because of the artificial thickness of the fault. In the present study we improve the implementation of the fault boundary conditions in the staggered grid finite-difference method by using a fictitious surface to satisfy the fault boundary conditions. In our implementation, velocity (or displacement) grids are set on the fault plane, stress grids are shifted half grid spacing from the fault and stress on the fictitious surface in the rupture zone is given such that the interpolated stress on the fault is equal to the frictional stress. Within the area which does not rupture, stress on the fictitious surface is given a condition of no discontinuity of the velocity (or displacement). Fault normal displacement (or velocity) is given such that the normal stress on the fault is continuous across the fault. Artificial viscous damping is introduced on the fault to avoid vibration caused by onset of the slip. Our implementation has five advantages over previous versions: (1) No leakage of the slip prior to rupture and (2) a zero thickness fault, (3) stress on the fault is reliably calculated, (4) our implementation is suitable for the study of fault constitutive laws, as slip is defined as the difference between displacement on the plane of z = + 0 and that of z = ) 0, and (5) cessation of slip is achieved correctly.