The rhombic-to-square transition field H✷(T ) for cubic and tetragonal materials in fields along [001] is evaluated using the nonlocal London theory with account of thermal vortex fluctuations. Unlike extended Ginzburg-Landau models, our approach shows that the line H✷(T ) and the upper critical field Hc2(T ) do not cross due to strong fluctuations near Hc2(T ) which suppress the square anisotropy induced by the nonlocality. In increasing fields, this causes re-entrance of the rhombic structure in agreement with recent neutron scattering data on borocarbides.PACS numbers: 74.60. 74.60.Ge, 74.70.Dd Complex behavior of vortex lattices (VLs) even in cubic superconductors like Nb has been known for a long time [1]. Recent progress in understanding the evolution of VLs with the magnetic field H and temperature T became possible due to availability of large high quality crystals of borocarbides [2], which triggered a score of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) [3][4][5], scanning tunneling [6,7], and decoration experiments [8]. Of a particular interest is the ubiquitous structural transition between rhombic and square VLs in increasing fields along the c axis of tetragonal borocarbides [3][4][5].For this case, the vortex repulsion is isotropic within the standard London and Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theories, so that vortices should always form the hexagonal Abrikosov lattice, which provides the maximum vortex spacing for a given flux density B/φ 0 (φ 0 is the flux quantum). There is no coupling between the VL and the crystal in these models; as a consequence, the VL orientation is arbitrary and no VL structural transitions are expected. A full microscopic theory of the mixed state contains this coupling, but involves self-consistent calculations of the gap and current distributions, a formidable task even for materials with the GL parameter κ ∼ 1 [9]. The situation simplifies in high-κ materials (like borocarbides), for which one can utilize a more transparent nonlocal London model [10]. Within this approach, the VL coupling to the crystal is provided by the basic nonlocal relation between the current density and the vector potential,where the kernel Q depends on the Fermi surface [10,11], the pairing symmetry [12], and the field orientation. Here, we consider cubic or tetragonal s-wave materials in fields along the c axis so that Q(r) has the square symmetry.The kernel Q(r) decays over the nonlocality range ρ = f (T, ℓ)ξ 0 , where ℓ is the mean-free path for nonmagnetic scatterers and ξ 0 is the BCS zero-T coherence length. The function f decreases slowly with T and is suppressed strongly by scattering [10,11]. The nonlocality adds to the intervortex interaction a short-range potential V (x, y) with the symmetry of the crystal. In the low field limit, V is irrelevant and the VL is triangular; still, V removes the orientational degeneracy and locks the VL onto certain crystal direction. With decreasing intervortex spacing a(B), the potential V drives the triangular VL into a square at a field H ✷ (T ). The transit...