Two-dimensional (2D) superlattices are promising candidates for future technological applications due to their unique electronic structure and exotic properties. Heterodimensional superlattices, consisting of 2D and other dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D) structural units, extend the applications of 2D superlattices to spintronics, thermoelectrics, and energy storage. In this perspective, we highlight the recent progress in heterodimensional superlattices based on 2D materials. First, we introduce the classification and properties of heterodimensional superlattices, including 3D/2D, 1D/2D, 2D/0D, and hybrid multidimensional superlattices. Second, the potential applications of 2D heterodimensional superlattices are discussed. Finally, we point out the current challenges and provide an outlook in the field of heterodimensional superlattices.