SummaryThe four-body scattering matrix describing the various scattering states of two protons and two neutrons is analysed to see what information can be gained on the structure of the bound state, 4He. It is found that an estimate can be given of the fraction of time that 'He appears as two deuterons; this estimate is· in turn used to calculate the cross sections for the process d(d, y)'He. The low energy n-3 He singlet elastic scattering parameters appear to be fairly well determined by the data studied.1. INTRODUCTION .A large amount of information concerning the existence and structure of any bound states of a system is in principle contained in the positive energy scattering matrix for the system. This information can be extracted if the energy variation of the scattering matrix can be extrapolated back to the bound state energy; and such a procedure has been used with success to discuss the deuteron (see, e.g. Blatt and Weisskopf 1952) and the triton and 3He (Delves 1960). However, in both cases the scattering matrix is, to a reasonable approximation, diagonal, and the small off-diagonal part of little importance, so that only one channel need be considered; it is of interest to show that the procedure can be carried through also when the off-diagonal terms are not intrinsically small and the coupled channels must be considered simultaneously. Of course extra information is obtained if this be done; in the language of the clustermodel, we obtain an estimate of the relative importance of various clusters in the expansion of the ground state. We carry through the procedure here for 4He; the channels which enter are then the singlet S-state channels for n-3 He, p-3H, and d-d scattering. The first two of these represent the principal clusters in 4He, and we obtain an estimate of the importance of the d-d cluster in the ground state.These results are used to calculate approximately the cross section for deuteron capture by deuterons, using the asymptotic form of the 4He wave function. The accuracy of this procedure is discussed later.The nucleus 4He has three alternative two-particle photo disintegration modes 4He+y--+p+3H-19'708 MeV, --+n+ 3 He-20·472 MeV, --+d+d-23 ·748 MeV,