The elastoplastic state of thin cylindrical shells weakened by two circular holes is analyzed. The centers of the holes are on the directrix of the shell. The shells are made of an isotropic homogeneous material and subjected to internal pressure of given intensity. The distribution of stresses along the hole boundaries and over the zone where they concentrate (when the distance between the holes is small) is analyzed using approximate and numerical methods to solve doubly nonlinear boundary-value problems. The data obtained are compared with the solutions of the physically nonlinear (plastic strains taken into account) and geometrically nonlinear (finite deflections taken into account) problems and with the numerical solution of the linearly elastic problem. The stress-strain state near the two holes is analyzed depending on the distance between them and the nonlinearities accounted for Introduction. Stress, strain, and strength analyses of isotropic and anisotropic structural members (plates and shells) of complex geometry, including multiple connectivity, under static and dynamic loads are still of importance. Of heightened interest are nonaxisymmetric problems for thin and nonthin shells and plates of various outlines and shapes under high surface and boundary loads. Solving such static and dynamic problems, in both linear and nonlinear formulations, involves severe mathematical and computational difficulties.Efficient methods developed to solve linearly elastic boundary-value problems for multiply connected shells (weakened by two or more curvilinear holes or notches) are outlined in [1,2,6,7,[11][12][13].Concrete numerical results have been obtained for metal and composite shells of spherical, cylindrical, conical, and other shapes subjected to static surface loads, axial forces, and a system of boundary forces and moments. Note that the publications [2,6,7,12] present results for elastic isotropic and orthotropic cylindrical shells with two equal or unequal circular holes (their centers are on a common generatrix or directrix) and with a finite number of circular holes, and for periodic cases.It should also be emphasized that two-dimensional static problems for shells (plates) of various shapes and purposes with a curvilinear (circular or elliptic) hole or a notch of various geometries (simply and doubly connected domains) have mostly been solved considering only the elastic stage of deformation or only geometrical (finite deflections) or physical (plastic or creep strains) nonlinearities [6,7,9,11,13]. The principles and methods of theoretical and experimental analysis of stress concentration in load-bearing structural members were developed with an eye toward solving two-dimensional boundary-value problems in various formulations [3-8, 10, 11]. Isolated results were obtained by solving nonlinear problems for shells with both finite (large) deflections and plastic strains [6,7,13].As regards nonlinear problems for multiply connected thin shells, there are only isolated theoretical results. For thin-walled...