“…However, because the influence of quadrupole matrix elements in the firstorder nondipole correction comes through dipolequadrupole interference terms, measurements of nondipole anisotropy in angular-distributions of photoelectrons can be used as a tool to investigate highermultipole resonances excited by photons. Martin et al (1998) were the first to show the observation of resonant dipole-quadrupole interferences was possible by measuring the forward/backward anisotropy of Cd photoelectrons, setting at the same time a low-energy record on the observation of nondipole effects. Noting (e,2e) experimental results on cadmium ''are the equivalent of nondipole photoionization,'' the authors calculated the dipole-quadrupole interference between the Cd 4d 9 5s 2 5pðJ ¼ 1Þ and 5p6p 3 P 2 ðJ ¼ 2Þ autoionizing levels at 12:992 eV photon energy.…”