In the context of
our studies of the electric field control over
stimuli-responsive molecular materials, in this article, we report
a detailed theoretical analysis of the electric field control of the
spin states, magnetic properties, and charge distributions in the
trigonal trimeric systems comprising a pair of mobile electrons or
holes. Such systems are exemplified by “physical” molecules
composed of semiconductor quantum dots accommodating unpaired electrons
as well as by proper chemical systems representing trigonal trimeric
mixed-valence clusters in which the two mobile electrons are delocalized
over three spinless cores. In part I of the paper, we consider the
electronic interactions (inter- and intrasite Coulomb repulsion, electron
transfer, and Stark interaction) in quantum dot arrays and mixed-valence
molecules, whereas part II deals with the
vibronic approach in which the interaction between the mobile electrons
and the molecular vibrations is taken into account as well. A complicated
interplay between the electron transfer and the localizing effect
of the field is shown to result in a series of interesting magnetic
effects. We demonstrate this by changing the magnitude of the electric
field and/or its orientation with respect to the axes of the system,
one can reach an efficient electric field control over the magnetic
and electric properties of the considered systems. Particularly, under
some conditions (described in the paper), the electric field of attainable
strength is shown to induce spin switching from the ground state possessing
the spin S = 1 to that with S =
0. Such a possibility to control the spin states of single molecules
and analogous systems using an external electric field is of current
interest for molecular spintronics.