Using the Bethe-Salpeter equation including high electric fields, the dependence of the critical temperature of onsetting superconductivity on the applied field is calculated analytically. The critical temperature of pairing is shown to increase with the applied field strength. This is a new field effect and could contribute to the explanation of recent experiments on field-induced superconductivity. From the field dependence of the BetheSalpeter equation, the two-particle bound-state solution is obtained as a resonance with a tunneling probability analogous to the WKB solution of a single particle confined in a potential and coupled to an electrical field.The influence of static electric fields on superconducting properties has been investigated for nearly 40 years 1 but has gained renewed experimental interest; 2-4 see also overview in Ref. 5. A wide experimental activity on high-T c superconductors has been devoted to this change of the critical temperature and transport properties due to an external electric field. 6,7,2,8,3,9 Consequently a considerable theoretical effort has been made to describe such field effects. [10][11][12] Usually two standard mechanisms have been proposed in high-T c cuprates; 13 see Ref. 5 and citations therein. The first one describes the changes of hole concentration due to Coulomb force of the external field and the second mechanism describes the field-induced oxygen rearrangement. 14 These mechanisms will change the density of state and consequently the order parameter. As a result one expects frustration of charge density waves 15 connected with specific threshold electric fields 16 and a nonlinear conductivity. 17 However, the nonlinear field dependence of the current showed that there must be a field effect besides the change of carrier density. 4 For very clean and thin two-dimensional ͑2D͒ structures with high transversal electric fields one can expect that the pairing mechanism by itself and the two-particle correlations will be influenced by the field since the direct current as the dominant effect of the field is suppressed by the geometry. This was first investigated in a quasi-one-dimensional conductor. 18 For general dimensions one best works within the field-dependent Bethe-Salpeter equation. We will find that the pairing mechanism is affected itself analogously to the formation of sidebands in the density of states due to high fields for one-particle properties. 19 Here we will show that the two-particle Bethe-Salpeter equation becomes field dependent and consequently also the resulting critical temperature. In an earlier paper 20 it was demonstrated that the inclusion of high electric fields leads to novel modifications of the two-particle properties: ͑i͒ The bound states, reflected by the value of the phase shift at low energies, are turned into resonances. ͑ii͒ The Pauli-blocking effect ͑which turns the phase shift to negative values, indicating effective repulsive behavior of the scattering͒ is suppressed by the applied field. This is understood as the opening o...