Monte Carlo simulations of the temperature-induced unfolding of small gas-phase polyalanines in a static, homogeneous electric field are reported, based on the AMBER ff96 force field. The peptides exhibit a structural transition from the native alpha-helix state to entropically favored beta-sheet conformations, before eventually turning to extended coil at higher temperatures. Upon switching the electric field, the molecules undergo preferential alignment of their dipole moment vector toward the field axis and a shift of the alpha-beta transition to higher temperatures. At higher field strengths (>10(8) V/m) the molecules stretch and the alpha-beta and beta-coil transitions merge. A simple three-state model is shown to account for the observed behavior. Under even higher fields, density functional theory calculations and a polarizable force field both show that electronic rearrangements tend to further increase the dipole moment, polarization effects being approximately half in magnitude with respect to stretching effect. Finally a tentative (temperature, field-strength) phase diagram is sketched.