Low‐resolution three‐parameter models of the shape of a biopolymer in solution can be determined by a new indirect method from small‐angle X‐ray scattering without contrast‐variation experiments. The basic low‐resolution model employed is a triaxial ellipsoid – the inertia‐equivalent ellipsoid (IEE). The IEE is related to the tensor of inertia of a body and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this tensor can be calculated directly from the atomic coordinates and from the homogeneous solvent‐excluded body of a molecule. The IEE defines a mean molecular surface (like the sea level on earth) which models the molecular shape adequately if the IEE volume is not more than 30% larger than the dry volume of the molecule. Approximately 10 to 15% of the solvent‐excluded volume is outside the ellipsoid; the radii of gyration of the IEE and of the homogeneous molecular body are identical. The largest diameter of the IEE is about 5 to 15% (~0.2–0.8 nm) smaller than the maximum dimension of globular molecules with molecular masses smaller than 65000 daltons. From the scattering curve of a molecule in solution the IEE can be determined by a calibration procedure. 29 proteins of known crystal structure have been used as a random sample. Systematic differences between the axes of the IEE, calculated directly from the structure, and the axes of the scattering‐equivalent ellipsoids of revolution, estimated from the scattering curve of the molecule in solution, are used to derive correction factors for the axial dimensions. Distortions of model dimensions of 20 to 40% (up to 1 nm), caused by misinterpretation of scattering contributions from electron density fluctuations within the molecule, are reduced to a quarter by applying these correction factors to the axes of the scattering‐equivalent ellipsoids of revolution. In a computer experiment the axes of the inertia‐equivalent ellipsoids have been determined for a further nine proteins with the same accuracy. The automated estimation of the IEE from the scattering curve of a molecule in solution is realized by the Fortran77 program AUTOIEE.