This paper presents new finite elements for plate analysis of smart composite structures. Based on the sinus model, Murakami's ZigZag functions are introduced in the three directions, improving the accuracy for multilayered modeling. The transverse normal stress is included allowing use of the three-dimensional constitutive law. Three different eight-node finite elements are developed using C 0 approximations, each with a different number of unknown functions: 9, 11 or 12. For the piezoelectric approximation, a layer wise description is used with a cubic variation in the thickness of each layer while the potential is assumed to be constant on each elementary domain for the in-plane variation. These finite elements aims at modeling both thin and thick plates without any pathologies of the classical plate finite elements (shear and Poisson or thickness locking, spurious modes, etc.). This family is evaluated on classical piezoelectric problems of the literature and special emphasis is pointed towards the introduction of equipotential conditions.