Ab initio electron propagator methods are developed to study electronic properties of molecular systems with strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. For the calculation of electron Green's functions we apply a canonical small polaron transformation that intrinsically contains strong electron-phonon effects. In the transformed Hamiltonian, the energy levels for the noninteracting particles are shifted down by the relaxation (solvation) energies. The Coulomb integrals are also renormalized by the electron-phonon interaction. For certain values of the electron-phonon coupling constants, the renormalized Coulomb integrals can be negative which implies the attraction between two electrons. Within the small polaron transformation we develop a diagrammatic technique for the calculation of electron Green's function in which the electron-phonon interaction is already included into the multiple phonon correlation functions. Since the decoupling of the phonon correlation functions is impossible, and therefore, a Wick's theorem for such correlation functions is invalid, there is no Dyson equation for the electron Green's function. To find the electron Green's function, we use different approximations. One of them is a link-cluster approximation that includes diagonal transitions for the renormalized zeroth Green's function. In the linked-cluster approach the Dyson equation is derived in the most general case, where the self-energy operator is an arbitrary functional (not only in the Hartree-Fock approximation). It is shown that even a Hartree-Fock electron (hole) is not a particle any longer. It is a quasiparticle with a finite lifetime that depends on energy of particle and hole states in different ways. As a consequence of this, a standard description of a Hartree-Fock approximation in terms of wave functions becomes inappropriate in this problem. To challenge the linked-cluster approximation we develop a different approach: a sequential propagation approximation where scattering events occur only for sequential transitions. A self-consistent Hartree-Fock equation for a four-index Green's function matrix is derived. In conclusion, the proposed schemes can be considered for future method developments for quantum chemical calculations for large molecules with strong nonadiabatic effects, e-e correlated electron transfer reactions, and electron transport in molecular transport junctions.